Monte Bondone Poetry Reading
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Part of the Dialogue Through Poetry - International Unesco Poetry Day
About March 17th 2002 the Dialogue Through Poetry group promotes readings across the world.
In order to create true dialogue among civilizations, the coordinators contacted reading coordinators, editors, poets, and poetry lovers around the world and asked them to setup readings in their cities to support this program. During the last week in March 2001, there were over 200 readings in 150 cities around the world. The readings were open to everyone. We are continuing the program and are organizing readings for the week of 17, March 2002--Dialogue Through Poetry Week. In addition, that week includes UNESCO's World Poetry Day

The Italian Way
Italian Poets of the Poets 4 Peace group, partecipated with a public reading Monday, March 18th at 20,30 hour in Monte Bondone (Trento) Centro di Ecologia Alpina. Poets Gigi Zoppello, Patrizia Carloni, Carlo Martinelli, Lillo Gullo, Danilo Fenner, Alessandro Genovese, Paolo D. Malvinni and others read their works. Texts (in Italian only) are available in the Poesie e Poeti page in this site.
Poets for Peace of Italy changed their name in December 2002. They are now named ATLETICO POETI


This is the place: the beautiful Viotte on mount Bondone, in Italian Alps

2002 is proclaimed "International Year of the Mountains" by Unesco. We joined the Poetry on the Peaks calendar: this is why this poetry reading was done on the beautiful mountinside of Mount Bondone (2019 mt. elevation) in the heart of Italian Dolomites

E-mail: Poets 4 Peace Italy
Web Site: Dialogue Through Poetry